Monday, November 26, 2012

How do you know when  to stop with all the tattoos and body piercing?

Should you even get the tattoos?

What is the point in the tattoos?

Some people say that you should not get the tattoos and the body piercing. That if God wanted you to have all those markings  and holes on your body then God would have put them on you. 

While some may say that its fine to have the body piercing and the tattoos. That is them expressing them self. That its art.How they feel. Its their statement of their individuality

What are some of tattoos effects?

"With the growing popularity of tattoos, health officials say they are seeing more cases of a nasty skin infection caused by a common bacteria traced to the ink. In the largest outbreak, 19 people in Rochester, N.Y., ended up with bubbly rashes on their new tattoos."

What are some effects of body Piercing?

"According to a recent study more than 3,000 people visit the emergency room, each year, with oral injuries related to piercings, and almost 75 percent of them are between the ages of 14 and 17."